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Our Story: (Click here to leave the family a message of encouragement)
After adopting Lili in early 2014, the Reesor's understanding of the plight of orphans increased, as did their passion to make a difference in the lives of orphans...though they did not think they would adopt again. In November of 2014, the Reesor's heard the story of a 9 year old little girl with cerebral palsy who had lived in an orphanage in China for most of her life.
God moved in their hearts on her behalf, and within 24 hours of hearing this little girl's story, the Reesor's had signed the paperwork to become her family. They left on a plane bound for China on Christmas Eve 2015, and brought Lia home to her forever family in early January.
While the transition was understandably difficult, Lia has made positive progress in every area. Lia is thriving in her new family, and just started school for the first time. Lia has cerebral palsy that mainly affects her legs. She cannot walk or stand up on her own. Lia needs physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, ankle/foot orthotics, special equipment and special medical procedures.
The Reesors are honored to care for and provide for the special needs of Lia and her sister, Lili, but the financial burden is often overwhelming.
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