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Amigo Family
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Our Story: (Click here to leave the family a message of encouragement)
We are the Amigos! We currently live in Norwalk, CT and our adoption journey began the summer of 2017. Adoption has always been something Cameron and I wanted to do. We had it all figured out. First, we would have two biological children and then adopt a third child to complete our family of five. Little did we know, God had other plans. It all began on a Saturday night with a movie called Lion. For those of you who are not familiar with the film, it is about a little boy adopted from India and his journey to finding himself and where he came from. As we watched, the number of orphans in India (and all over the world) in need of love became a reality that we couldn't ignore. Needless to say, it sparked a fire in our hearts to do something about it. Cameron looked at me as the credits rolled and said, "Well, are you ready to adopt?" and I said, "yes." From there God took over. He transformed our hearts in a way that I can't easily put into words. And throughout this whole process, He has remained faithful in all the fears and obstacles put in our path.
Sahil is a beautiful 2 ½ year old boy from India. His profile was sent to us on Good Friday and we knew from the moment we saw his face that he was special. We have spent a great deal of time learning as much as we can about him from the files and videos his orphanage provided. Sahil has a severe and extremely rare heart condition that has left us to a lot of unanswered questions. While we do not know his future, we are stepping out in faith and choosing to say yes afraid, knowing Sahils life is ultimately in God's hands. Although there is much we don't yet know, for now we are celebrating what we do know. Sahil can almost walk up and down the stairs by himself, he can point to his belly and eyes and nose, his smiles are quick to surface but like most two-year-olds, he has a tendency to throw temper tantrums when he is upset (which solidified our decision that he is destined to be part of our family!). Sahil has completely captured our hearts and we cannot wait to welcome him home. Thank you for reading our story and your consideration in partnering with us to make it happen!
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